Functional – Mentis 2.4.1

We are pleased to announce the release of yet another quick update to Mentis. The theme this release was functional as we introduced some much requested functional upgrades while crushing some small bugs along the way.

E-Learning Compliance

  1. Bulk Assignment of Physical Presence types: Update multiple physical presence for a program in multiple states at one shot using our graphical and interactive user interface. It is our way of breaking away from the standard data input and saving you more time.
  2. Configurable SARA Membership Status: You can now configure SARA membership for your institution. This is just the beginning of adding a slew of features that are dependent on the SARA membership of the institution to let us provide customized features based on your current SARA status.


Other Notable Updates

  1. Custom Todos: Now you can create a custom todo with reminders and start checking more things off your list. An added bonus is that now you can even view all your todos from any page in Mentis.
  2. Save report chart as image: You can now grab the image of any chart generated in reports which can come in super handy when you are working on more detailed formal reports.
  3. Indexing: We have optimized how data is indexed in Mentis giving the system a much needed performance boost.

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