Collaboration for ELC – Mentis 2.6.0

  • POSTED ON 19 Oct 2016

We are excited to announce our collaboration with Legal Science, LLC.  This collaboration brings integration of Legal Science’s Monqcle State Laws database directly into Mentis. All of our customers using ELC, can now access State Laws for Private and Public institution by state and also SARA policy information. Below is a complete list of all the significant updates you can find in Mentis 2.6.0 focused on the app E-Learning Compliance.

New Data & Resources

  1. State Laws Database: Browse summary information and read the full text of the state authorization policy by state for public and private institutions.
  2. More Agencies: More than 1400 new agencies have been included with this update. These include licensure boards for 36 different professions across most states as well as portal agencies. Agency tags allow you to quickly search for an agency by profession while the default list displays your primary state authorization agency in the various states.  For e.g., try using tags like “licensure” to display all licensing boards in a state or “licensure, medical” for all medical licensure boards.

New Reports

Head over to reports and click on the drop-down on the right hand side to view these new reports.

  1. Physical Presence Report: Now that you have been busy updating physical presence information for your programs, this report will allow you to query that information easily and export it out for internal communication.
  2. Expense Report: Expenses now have a dedicated report and have as such been removed from being displayed in other high level reports where they were not accurately displaying the data.
  3. Student Enrollment Report: This report will let you query your enrollment numbers by state which can then be used for IPEDS or NC-SARA reporting.
  4. State Agency Report: This report will help you browse through the 1500+ agencies that are now available in Mentis for our ELC customers.
  5. SARA States Report: Use this report to keep track of the growing list of states that are now members of NC-SARA.


User Experience Improvements

  1. Auto-detecting links in Agency Notes: You can now simply insert a URL into your notes for any agency and Mentis will auto-detect the link and make it clickable when viewing the notes.
  2. Accessibility Improvements: We have also greatly improved the accessibility of various dialogs throughout Mentis.
  3. Other Improvements: We have made minor improvements to your user experience in ELC which includes adding tool-tips and adding additional information on screens.


Big Bugs Squashed

  1. Filter by Tags for State Agencies is now working as expected.
  2. Fixed issue of wrong error message while removing physical presence
  3. Audit trail for changes made to Program Coordinators are now being recorded.
  4. State Authorization Tracking and Reporting now handles scenarios where you could be tracking programs or classes against multiple agencies within the same state.
  5. Other significant bugs: Fixes on manage physical presence types, NC-SARA membership status.

If we missed something you were waiting for, or if you would like us to work on something specific for you, please leave your comment or email us at