We pleased to announce the release yet another quick update to Mentis. The theme this release was functional as we introduced some much requested functional upgrades while crushing some small bugs along the way.
E-Learning Compliance
Features and Bug fixes:
- Add CIP code to program: Update CIP code to a program which provides the taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.
- Manage Licensure requirements for programs: You can now manage licensure requirements with actual hours as per the states and programs.
- Show Licensure requirements to explore section: You can now browse for licensure requirements for programs in all states.
- Custom CSS changes for Explore: You can now have a custom design for Explore.
- Concentration now gets added while importing student info: Now on importing the student info, concentration gets added in Programs and can be viewed in Manage Program page.
- Keyboard accessibility: You can now use ELC with all keyboard functionalities like Tab, Shift+Tab, Enter, etc.
- Physical Presence is WCAG compliant: You can now add or remove union territories like Puerto Rico, American Samoa, etc. in physical presence map.
- Issues with filters of Physical Presence Report: Now state, program, sub trigger and primary trigger is working properly.
- Add tags to the courses: You have a facility to add tags along with course and filter reports according to the tags associated with it.
- Explore is responsive on Mobile and Tablet platforms: Explore is now responsive with all the features and existing functionality in other gadgets like Android, IOS mobiles and tablets.
- Modification in Licensure Requirement Report: You can now export the licensure requirement report using export button.
- Fixed issues for Student Enrolment Report: Now filters for term, program, country and state in Student Enrollment Report are functioning properly and fetch data according to the filter used.