We are ringing in the new year with some exciting new features. These include but are not limited to agency notes, online program concentrations, physical presence flags, program coordinators and much more. See the full list below by Mentis® app. For any questions or concerns emails us at support@inknowledge.com.
Wishing you a very happy new year from the entire team at Inknowledge!
New Features
E-Learning Compliance App (ELC)
Notes and Other State Agency Contacts
You can now open up the details of a state agency and add or update other contacts at an agency. You can also add notes, edit your own notes and view notes added by other individuals in your team so that you always have a record of your communication with the state agency.
You can now map your online programs to concentrations allowing you more ways to track your state authorization progress.
Coming Soon in a future release: Track student enrollments by semester, year and/or concentration, run reports by concentrations and let your visitors explore your information by concentration.
Physical presence flags
You can now also indicate which of your online program meets a physical presence in a state. We have shipped this feature with some generic physical presence triggers and sub-triggers but you can manage and customize these as per your institution through the Manage Physical Presence page.
Program Coordinators
You can now delegate some of your workloads to different Program Coordinators. Program Coordinators can manage Online programs that are associated with their unit and also maintain the authorizations status for their programs.
Wizard-based data entry for your users
Profiles can be very demanding of your faculty since there is so much that needs to go in for you and them to benefit from all its reporting and integration features. We have therefore revamped most of the data intensive profile sections (e.g. Publications) to use some intuitive wizards. The wizards allow us to guide the users as they attempt to add or edit their information.
Org Admins can now edit all Profiles
Designated Org Admins at your institutions now have full control over all the Profiles. This means that you can service your users with needing to contact us. We are of course always available to help.
Core Mentis Upgrades
New App Admin Page
Mentis now has a separate manage page for App admins. Admins can assign/change/revoke application specific role to other users.
Super fast and interactive reporting charts
We have upgraded our charting system to provide better visualization options at super-fast speed. Look out for more updates related to this feature in the upcoming releases.
Filter Course and Award reports
You can now filter the courses and awards reports on various attributes.
Other Bugs Fixes
- ELC: The system prevents a user from now adding duplicate online programs.
- Profiles: Repetitive events were being displayed for a presentation which is now fixed.
- Profiles: Issue with populating correct year in the year field for publication section is now fixed.
- Profiles: Courses were appearing under archive as well as the regular list. This is now fixed.
- Profiles: Issues due to which Admin could not create a new profile for others is fixed.
- Profiles: System was unable to validate Year field displayed in the personal profile section. This is now fixed.